Bits and Bytes

CMA CGM to use artificial intelligence on ships.

  • Leading global shipper CMA CGM Group announced a development partnership with Shone, an early-stage startup building autonomous technologies for cargo ships. The agreement gives Shone access to CMA CGM’s vessels and data. Once completed, the Shone product will facilitate the work of crews in decision support, maritime safety, and piloting.

Pega paves path to one-to-one marketing with self-optimizing campaigns.

  • New AI-powered marketing capability will reduce marketers’ dependence on traditional segment-based campaigns and transition them towards real-time, one-to-one engagement. The new offering will face stiff competition from SAP and Adobe, which already have offerings in this space, when it launches as part of PegaInfinity in Q3.

IBM and collaborate on POWER9 support.

  • IBM Power Systems and H2O have announced a collaboration to accelerate the latter’s Driverless AI software on IBM POWER9 systems.

Google publishes Responsible AI Practices.

  • Following missteps around the launch of Google Duplex and its DOD deal, Google has released a set of principles which will direct its future use of AI technology. The principles aim to ensure that the company’s use of AI is socially beneficial, accountable, incorporates privacy-by-design, and adheres to ethical standards.

Databricks introduces MLflow, an open source ML platform.

Apple has released Core ML 2.

  • Apple released Core ML 2, a new version of its machine learning SDK for iOS devices, at its annual developer conference. Core ML 2 includes the new Create ML tool which will allow developers to create and train custom machine learning models locally on their Mac and enables Keras and sci-kit learn users to import models directly into Core ML.

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