As you may have heard on the podcast, I’m trying the newsletter thing again. I’m not sure what it’ll evolve into, but my goals are to make it personal, informative and brief/skimmable. I hope you’ll come along for the ride. As always, please let me know what you think!


On Monday we dropped five shows in our O’Reilly AI series for your binge listening pleasure. I’d name my favorite but they’re all my favorite! Really, the series offers something for everyone. I cut straight to the chase with Intel’s AI czar Naveen Rao, wax creative with Google’s Project Magenta lead Doug Eck, go full Nerd Alert with Ben Vigoda on Bayesian program synthesis, chat about scaling video object detection with Reza Zadeh, and learn how Rana el Kaliouby’s company uses emotional AI to help brands craft the customer experience. Check it out!

Over the river & through the woods

I just got back from a great trip to Europe. The bulk of my time was spent in Berlin, where I got to explore the city and tech scene, deliver an intro to AI workshop, and meet with TWIML listeners. Before heading to Germany though, I ventured into the Swiss hinterland to interview an impressive—and controversial in some circles—figure in modern AI—Jürgen Schmidhuber, co-creator of the LSTM neural network architecture. We had a great time and a great discussion, which will be posted soon on the podcast!

O'Reilly AI Series

Reading is fundamental

In a recent show, I thought out loud about starting a paper-reading group for TWIML listeners. The idea seems to have resonated with folks. If you’d like to join in, jump over to the meetup page express your interest and help plan the details.

Join me at the next AI Conference

Apparently, the O’Reilly AI conference is being renamed “The AI Conference.” (Hubris anyone?) As usual, we’ve got a free ticket to give away, and we want to give it to YOU! Just comment or share your favorite quote from any of the shows in our O’Reilly AI series to enter. Commenting/sharing for each show gets you five entries! More details at the series page.

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