Are you interested in exploring and experimenting with Generative AI and Large-Language Models, or brushing up on your deep learning fundamentals? If so, look no further than our weekly study groups! 

Our Generative AI Study Group meets every Friday at 8am PST. The group focuses on exploring practical applications of generative models. We’ll dig into a variety of topics, including fine-tuning, hosting LLMs, effective prompting techniques, and utilizing task-specific models like BERT to enhance an LLM-centric approach. We’ll also discuss useful tools, plugins, agents, and build the TWIML-RAG, a TWIML podcast dialog application.

Whether you’re an established LLM practitioner or are simply curious, this study group is the perfect platform to explore, learn, and share experiences with co-LLM enthusiasts. This study group is open to anyone and we encourage you to join in and share this with your friends and colleagues who you think might find this interesting. Watch out for this study group every Friday at 8am PST and join the #generative-ai Slack channel for more details and updates.

Another recently-started group is working through Part 2 of’s Practical Deep Learning for Coders (Part 2) course. The Practical DL 2 Study Group will explore diffusion methods, implement unconditional and conditional diffusion models, experiment with different samplers, and dive into recent tricks like textual inversion and Dreambooth. Along the way, participants will also cover essential deep learning topics and get their hands dirty by building models from scratch, including Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs), ResNets, and Unets, as well as generative architectures like autoencoders and transformers.

For this study group, we’d recommend completing the Practical Deep Learning course Part 1 first, but if you are comfortable with building an SGD training loop from scratch in Python, being competitive in Kaggle competitions, using modern NLP and computer vision algorithms for practical problems, and working with PyTorch and fastai, then you will be ready to jump into the course. For those who want to participate in this study group, the meetup is every Saturday 8am PST and the Slack channel is #practical-dl-for-coders-part-2.

Remember to register at the TWIML Community Page to join these awesome study groups! That’s a wrap! We hope you found something of interest and we hope our community can serve as a bridge for you to connect and embark on a learning journey with like-minded individuals.