
Photo: Sam Charrington

Sam Charrington

Connect with Sam

Sam is a noted ML/AI industry analyst, advisor and commentator, founder of TWIML, and host of the popular TWIML AI Podcast. The show is one of the most popular Tech podcasts with nearly 10 million downloads. Sam has interviewed over 400 of the industry's leading machine learning and AI experts. In addition, he has conducted extensive research into enterprise AI adoption, MLOps, emerging ML and AI platforms, and other enabling technologies.

Conference Sessions

Keynote Interview
TWIMLcon  2021
In this interview, Sam and Chris Albon discuss ML use cases at Wikimedia, the evolution of the organization’s ML infrastructure, their use of Kubernetes and Kubeflow to support the ML workflow, and their ultimate plans to make this infrastructure available to the broader Wikimedia community.
Executive SummitKeynote Interview
TWIMLcon  2021
One of the biggest challenges executives face is ensuring project success. Far too often precious resources are wasted on projects that fail to generate value, don't get off the ground, or are inadequately resourced. This keynote explores the reasons for these failures and best practices for a successful launch and deployment of ML & AI solutions. 
Keynote Interview
TWIMLcon  2021
Solmaz is the Vice President of Data Science & Engineering at Shopify. In this keynote interview, Sam and Solmaz will discuss how she's helped the company scale its use of machine learning and how that has helped power the company's growth.
Keynote Interview
TWIMLcon  2021
Faisal is the Director of Engineering for Personalization Infrastructure at Netflix, running multiple teams delivering large-scale ML infrastructure. His team currently supports model development, model tools and data, and model serving. Here, Faisal and Sam will discuss lessons learned building Netflix's large-scale personalization infrastructure.
Reinforcement Learning
TWIMLfest  2020
Office Hours invites experts and practitioners in various topic areas for AMA (ask-me-anything) style sessions to answer technical questions from the community and/or help participants advance their specific projects and interests. This week’s topic will be centered on Reinforcement Learning!
TWIMLfest  2020
In this session, Sam is joined by Milind Tambe, Director of AI for Social Good at Google Research India, and Director of the Center for Research in Computation and Society (CRCS) at Harvard University. After the replay of this conversation, join Sam and Milind for an AMA!
TWIMLfest  2020
Join this live keynote interview for a discussion with Suzana Ilić, computational linguist and founder of MLT (Machine Learning Tokyo). Sam and Suzana will explore her work applying NLP techniques to accelerating biomedical research at Causaly, as well as her experiences building the popular MLT community.
TWIMLfest  2020
In this Keynote Interview, we’re joined by Shakir Mohamed, Senior Research Scientist at DeepMind and Leader of Deep Learning at Indaba. We'll explore his journey building up the Indaba community, as well as his current research on decolonization In Artificial Intelligence.
Fairness and Bias in AI
TWIMLfest  2020
Join Shalini Kantayya, Meredith Broussard, and Deb Raji for a screening of the film Coded Bias. Panelists will discuss the societal implications of the biases embedded within AI algorithms, examples of AI systems with disparate impact across industries and communities, and what can be done about it.
TWIMLfest  2020
In this Keynote session, Sam is joined by friend of the show Jeremy Howard, creator of the popular coursework. Sam and Jeremy explore topics such as the current landscape and future of AI education, as well as the new course: Practical Deep Learning for Coders.
TWIMLfest  2020
In this Keynote Interview, we’ll explore Sal Khan’s perspective on building a large educational platform like Khan Academy, the role of community in his efforts, and how online and community education continues to evolve during the COVID19 pandemic.
Panel Discussion
TWIMLcon  2019
We typically hear conference presentations from the single perspective of an organization's data scientists, data engineers, platform engineers, or ML/AI leaders. "Team Teardown" turns this model on its head, speaking with several members of an organization's team. This panel will explore the evolution of machine learning at SurveyMonkey.
Keynote Interview
TWIMLcon  2019
Franziska Bell, PHD leads a team of 100 data scientists building use-case-driven data science platforms at Uber, building on top of lower-level capabilities from Uber's Michelangelo. Fran will join Sam on the TWIMLcon stage for a live podcast interview exploring how both low-level and higher-level ML platforms can drive data scientist and developer productivity.
Keynote Interview
TWIMLcon  2019
What should we take away from how web giants and autonomous vehicles are redefining scale and impact for ML platforms?  From founding the AI platforms team at Facebook, engineering for Google and now pioneering the development of AI/ML platforms in the uncharted waters of autonomous vehicles, Hussein Mehanna, Head of AI/ML at Cruise, is in a unique position to answer this question.
Panel Discussion
TWIMLcon  2019
In this panel, we will explore how teams at Airbnb collaborate to deliver ML throughout the Airbnb product. We dive into how ML is organized within AirBnB, how teams interface with each other on large initiatives, building ML in a diverse multi-functional organization, and more.
Keynote Interview
TWIMLcon  2019
Deepak Agarwal, vice president of artificial intelligence at LinkedIn, will join Sam Charrington on the TWIMLcon stage for a live podcast interview to explore the challenges of scaling AI readiness across the organization, tailoring machine learning systems for developer, data scientist and member needs, and how his team is sharing its "data-first" mindset with the company as a whole.
Keynote Interview
TWIMLcon  2019
Andrew Ng, former Chief Scientist at Baidu and founding lead of Google Brain, will join Sam Charrington on the TWIMLcon stage for a live podcast interview. They'll discuss the state of AI in the enterprise, barriers to using deep learning in production and how to overcome them, developing a strong culture for AI, and other topics from Andrew's recently published AI transformation playbook.