
Photo: Rangaprasad Sampath

Rangaprasad Sampath

Founder & Community Builder
Connect with Rangaprasad

Rangaprasad Sampath (Ranga) is an engineer by education and a technologist by training. After graduating from Stanford University, USA with a Masters in Electrical Engineering, he has spent over a decade and a half honing up his skills in Networking Technology i.e. switches and routers, wired and wireless. From that same spirit of a connected world, he created You+AI which is an initiative to connect Humans (You) in various endeavors with Artificial Intelligence (AI). One of the first initiatives of You+AI has been the You+AI Podcast where Ranga speaks with healthcare professionals and the conversation explores where AI may drive the most impact. Season 1 with 15 episodes has listeners across 6 continents---36 countries---297 cities. Catch up with the ongoing Season 2 at

Conference Sessions

TWIMLfest  2020
As a technologist, I am gung-ho about the widespread application of technology across any domain, including healthcare. Here, I share how my conversations with doctors helped me be more nuanced about where and how AI should be applied in Healthcare.