Causality and causal modeling is one of the hottest topics in machine learning.

Earlier this year we launched a new causality course and study group with instructor Robert Osazuwa Ness, which received great feedback from students:

“I liked the course very much. Robert did a great job of reaching out to students to understand their background and interest in the course. It was great how he then continued to use what he learned about the students to make the course relevant and engaging to everyone enrolled. I also like how he made a connection to new paradigms. It was really nice to feel that the course is up to date. There are a lot of machine learning courses but this course was really special.”

“I loved the course. I learned a ton and Robert was very available to students. When I think about how much I would have paid at my university for a similar course, TWIML is a great value.”

I’m happy to announce that the Summer 2020 course and study group will be starting on June 27th!

Register below to join us for a live webinar on Thursday, June 25th, at 10 am PT to learn more. After registering, please visit our Causal Modeling in Machine Learning course page to learn more about the course and peruse FAQs.

Robert will introduce the topic of causal modeling in machine learning and review the details of the course, including the many enhancements he’s made this time around.