
Photo: Pablo Samuel Castro

Pablo Samuel Castro

Senior Researcher
Google Brain
Connect with Pablo Samuel

I was born and raised in Quito, Ecuador, and moved to Montreal after high school to study at McGill. I stayed in Montreal for the next 10 years, finished my bachelors, worked at a flight simulator company, and then eventually obtained my masters and PhD at McGill, focusing on Reinforcement Learning under the supervision of Doina Precup and Prakash Panangaden. After my PhD I did a 10-month postdoc in Paris before moving to Pittsburgh to join Google. I have worked at Google for close to 9 years, and am currently a staff research Software Developer in Google Brain in Montreal, focusing on fundamental Reinforcement Learning research, Machine Learning and Creativity, and being a regular advocate for increasing the LatinX representation in the research community. Aside from my interest in coding/AI/math, I am an active musician, love running (6 marathons so far, including Boston!), and discussing politics and activism.

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