

Victor Dibia

Principal Research Software Engineer
Microsoft Research
Connect with Victor

Victor is currently a Principal Research Software Engineer at the Human-AI eXperiences (HAX) team, Microsoft Research where he focuses on Generative AI. His research interests are at the intersection of human-computer interaction (HCI), computational social science, and applied machine learning. Victor’s research has been published at conferences such as ACL, EMNLP, AAAI, and CHI and has received multiple best paper awards. His work has also been featured in outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, VentureBeat, and CIO. He is also an IEEE Senior member, a Google Certified Professional (Data Engineer, Cloud Architect), and currently a Google Developer Expert in Machine Learning.

Victor holds a PhD in Information Systems from City University of Hong Kong (recipient of the HKPFS scholar award by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council). His dissertation studied developer contribution behaviour in software crowdsourcing contests - factors influencing participation, the impact of incentives on participation behaviour, and the problem-solving process within crowdsourcing contests. Prior to City University, he studied at the Information Networking Institute at Carnegie Mellon University where he earned a Masters degree in Information Networking. 

Victor previously worked as a Principal Research Engineer at Cloudera Fast Forward Labs, Research Staff Member at IBM Research, Technical Lead for MIT Global Startup Labs, Researcher at the Innovation Management Lab, Athens Information Technology Athens Greece, and founder/lead developer for a small startup focused on West African markets.

In his free time, Victor enjoys music (some self-taught guitar and piano), sports (participated in the Hong Kong Marathon thrice), and exploring art (some drawing, 3d modelling, and African mask art).