

Nataniel Ruiz

Research Scientist
Connect with Nataniel

I am a Research Scientist at Google. Previously, I completed my Ph.D. at Boston University, advised by Professor and Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Stan Sclaroff. My primary research focus is computer vision and machine learning.

I interned at Amazon working with Javier Romero, Timo Bolkart, Ming C. Lin, and Raja Bala during the Summer of 2021. I interned at Apple AI Research during the 2019 and 2020 Summers where I worked with Dr. Barry-John Theobald and Dr. Nicholas Apostoloff. In 2018 I was a Spring/Summer intern at the NEC-Labs Media Analytics Department, where I worked with Prof. Manmohan Chandraker and Dr. Samuel Schulter. I graduated from Georgia Tech in Fall 2017 with an M.Sc. in Computer Science specializing in Machine Learning, advised by Prof. James Rehg at the Center for Behavioral Imaging.

Recently, our work DreamBooth has been selected for a Student Best Paper Honorable Mention Award at CVPR 2023 (0.25% award rate) I have been selected as a Twitch Research Fellowship finalist for the year 2020 and as a second-round interviewee for the Open Phil AI Fellowship. I also appeared on the popular Machine Learning and AI podcast TWIML AI talking about my recent work on defending against deepfakes. While on a 5-year valedictorian scholarship, I obtained my B.Sc. and M.Sc. from Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, France. Additionally, I worked as an intern at MIT CSAIL with Dr. Kalyan Veeramachaneni and Dr. Lalana Kagal.

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