
Photo: Cathy Wu

Cathy Wu

Assistant Professor
Connect with Cathy

I am the Gilbert W. Winslow (1937) Career Development Assistant Professor at MIT, where I am part of the Laboratory for Information & Decision Systems (LIDS), the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), and the Institute for Data, Systems, & Society (IDSS).

I recently completed a postdoc with the Microsoft Research AI Reinforcement Learning group. I completed my PhD in EECS at UC Berkeley, working at the intersection of machine learning, optimization, and mobility.

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Conference Sessions

Reinforcement Learning
TWIMLfest  2020
Office Hours invites experts and practitioners in various topic areas for AMA (ask-me-anything) style sessions to answer technical questions from the community and/or help participants advance their specific projects and interests. This week’s topic will be centered on Reinforcement Learning!