TWIMLfest 2020


Photo: Amir Zamir

Amir Zamir

Professor of Computer Science
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL)
Connect with Amir

I have joined the Computer Science department of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) as of January 2020. Prior to EPFL, I spent time at Stanford, UC Berkeley, and UCF where I had the privilege of working with Silvio Savarese, Jitendra Malik, Mubarak Shah, and Leonidas Guibas.

My research interests are broadly in computer vision, machine learning, and AI. The goal of my research is going beyond narrow and offline perception methods toward a general multi-task visual perception that operates as part of an active body in the real world. Here are some of my works on this topic: Taskonomy, Cross-Task Consistency, Mid-Level Vision, Gibson. I'm also interested in structured prediction, video understanding, and 3D vision. I'm a fan of Slow Science.

Conference Sessions

Computer Vision
TWIMLfest  2020
Office Hours invites experts and practitioners in various topic areas for AMA (ask-me-anything) style sessions to answer technical questions from the community and/or help participants advance their specific projects and interests. This week’s topic will be centered on Computer Vision!