TWIMLfest 2020


NLP for Entrepreneurs

Natural Language Processing

NLP is going through a renaissance right now. What does a team shift through the noise of what is currently possible? And how does a team deliver a solution in the current market to their intended customers?

This workshop will address:

* How do I define and deploy a successful NLP project?
* Sift through the noise and identity the best techniques for context
* How do I differentiate from other existing services?
* How do I build a minimum viable product and scale it from there?
* What is the optimal business model to support my vision?

Define the problems this course/workshop addresses:
* How do I define and deploy a successful NLP project?
* Sift through the noise and identity the best techniques for context
* How do I differentiate from other existing services?
* How do I build a minimum viable product and scale it from there?
* What is the optimal business model to support my vision?

* Why is this the best workshop or course to address these problems/challenges?
* Combined team with strong NLP and entrepreneurial experience (potential partnership)
* This course is the only of its kind. All other courses are tactical and technical but this covers the business side of building and deploying NLP models

Session Speakers

Applied Research Engineer

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